3 Reasons Your Kid's Teeth May Be Extra Sensitive This Summer

6 July 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


During the summer, it is not uncommon for kids to complain about having sensitive teeth. It is essential to understand why your kid's teeth may be more sensitive in the summer and what you can do to help your child out.

Sinus Issues

During the spring and summer, many children experience allergies, which can result in sinus issues. The roots and nerves of your child's upper teeth are located near their sinuses, which can cause their teeth to feel more sensitive when they are dealing with allergies.

If your child says that their teeth hurt, and they are also dealing with the sniffles from seasonal allergies, you will want to get your child into their pediatrician, who can address the root issue that is causing their teeth to feel sensitive. If your child's teeth are still feeling sensitive once their allergy issues have been cleared up, follow up with their pediatric dentist.


In the summer, it is common to enjoy cold food. In the summer, your child probably eats a range of cold items, from popsicles and ice cream to smoothies and cold iced drinks. Cold foods can stimulate your child's nerves in their mouth and cause their teeth to feel sensitive. If your child complains about their teeth feeling sensitive right after they just ate some ice cream, give their mouth a while to warm up, and check back in with them to see if the issue has resolved itself.

You can also ensure that your child gets a professional fluoride treatment when they go in for their checkup. Fluoride helps to strengthen your child's teeth. It will also provide their teeth with a protective layer on their enamel so that they don't spread all the way to the nerve when they encounter cold temperatures. This is a good idea if your child frequently complains of teeth sensitivity after eating cold foods.


Another reason your child could be experiencing sensitive teeth is because of a cavity. When a cavity spreads and gets closer to the nerve in the tooth's center, the tooth can become more sensitive. A cavity can also destroy the protective layer on the tooth, which can increase sensitivity as well. If you suspect your child has a cavity, schedule a checkup with your pediatric dentist. The earlier it is found, the better the results will be. Cavities matter, regardless of if they occur in your child's baby or permanent teeth, and they should always be addressed right away.

If your child is experiencing sensitive teeth, listen to your child. Ask them when their teeth feel sensitive. This will allow you to determine if your child needs to see their dentist, regular doctor, or just needs to let their mouth warm up after enjoying a cold snack. If your child persists in having sensitive teeth, be sure to get them to a dentist for a checkup. Keep these tips in mind when looking for a children's dental care specialist near you.